Unit 3 - Task Analysis

Template 2 based on CLB: ESL for Adults, 2012

Describe symptoms to a pharmacist in order to get an appropriate medication
Grammatical knowledge
Textual knowledge
Strategic competence
What learners need to know…

Vocabulary to describe symptoms (cough, fever, headaches, vomiting, sore throat, parts of the body, etc), simple verbs, adjectives, modal verbs.
Use pronunciation to the best of his ability while describing symptoms and take his time while doing it so.

What learners need to know…

Message to be clear and organized when requesting type of medication.

To be able to know a time frame for symptoms - When did they start?

What learners need to know…

Wait for his turn while getting information from pharmacist.
Ask for clarification if information is unclear
Open and close conversation

What learners need to know…

use a polite tone of voice when requesting help and  to be patient while waiting for his turn to talk

What learners need to know…

write the symptoms on a piece of paper so he does not forget when describing his symptoms.
Have dictionary ready in case he doesn’t understand a word - Google Translate.
